Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Is Your Past Affecting You? Part-1
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Taking Short Cut
- Because I wanted to set it in the open that I would never think about taking short cuts again.
- I want all my students and followers of the blog to learn from this as well.
“Try not to become a man of success rather try to become a man of value.”
–Albert Einstein
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
One Year Anniversary!
It is a happy day for me and to share the happiness I have every downloadable product available for half the price just for today. Go to the product page by clicking here. Then select the product and email me the one you want and I will send you the link to download it for half the price.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays And Happy One Year Anniversary!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
When is a set over?
This might sometimes happen right when you approach a woman. You use a canned opener and she busts you. Or she just decides to accuse you to be a player or a playboy. How you react will determine how far you will go with this woman. When a woman accuses you or catches you in the act. Be a man confess it, laugh at it and continue. Don't run, don't fidget and don't shake.
Few months back one of my student had to face the same situation. He opened a set and she just got opened with the same opener. I jumped into the set and handled the situation by confessing that yes it was a canned opener. I continued by saying " even if it was a cheesy, corny or over used line, I am still paying you a compliment. so need to be upset. It is not easy for us to approach women.". That was it. Everything changed. She apologized for her behavior and started touching me. I can write a book on my experiences where I have seen women turn around in a set after initial negative messages.
Remember you gain nothing by walking out of a set prematurely. Continue and let them walk away. If they are not interested in you they do not have to be around you. A woman who complains about something or gives you a negative message is either trying to test you or hoping you will take an alternate route and get her. Access the situation, use your judgement and respond.
It is never over until it is over.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Today's Women Are Sexually Open Minded
Now a new study on myths of cheating reveals a similar theme. The study states:
"While baby-boomer men do cheat more, women in their 20s and 30s have
affairs just as frequently as men their age, according to new research. One
reason: More women are working. When you have a job, you've got more financial freedom, which could make you more comfortable taking a gamble with your
This is another proof that men should not feel uncomfortable when getting sexual with women because most women want sex just as well. There is no need to hide your sexual desires and play games. If you want an open relationship or date multiple women or have sex in the public bathroom chances are she wants it too.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Free Hour Long Video On Kino Escalation!
In this video I discuss how to use kino escalation to seduce women. I also demonstrate multiple kino routines I personally use in the field. This video is super rich in content.
Everyone who downloaded it has really enjoyed it so don't miss the opportunity. Here is a sample clip:
You can download the video here.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Mistakes beginners make while entering in a bar!
This is a very wrong thing to do. You lose value instantly in the eyes of women. This is because your scan almost comes across as approval seeking. You come across insecure. It almost conveys that "If a woman responds well then I will approach". Now I am not suggesting to not to make eye contact with women. Making eye contact is very powerful and you should always do it. I am simply mentioning not to make eye contact with every woman while scanning the venue. It comes across as knocking on every door hoping one will open. This is bad game.
When I enter a bar or any other social value I pause briefly upon entry and scan the environment of the room. I don't make eye contact for I don't care who is there. By pausing I let everyone notice my entry while I scan the room. Make sure you have strong body language at this time. Generally you will notice women and also notice which one is checking you out using your peripheral vision. Then you can either go to the bar and get a drink or start talking to the group most immediate to you. This looks powerful. You have given women time to notice you. You have showed no interest in them so you are there to have a good time and not just get laid. You are not afraid of the crowd and attention for you stop right at a place where everyone can notice you and this not bother you. This shows you are confidant and alpha. After that it seems very natural that you are talking to whoever comes your way and in the process you meet this woman.
I also want to caution that I am not suggesting you be ashamed of your intention to meet women or try to hide it. I am just trying to help you not come across needy.
Hope this helps!
P.S. If you are a beginner I highly recommend you to start talking to the very first group and as many groups as you can. This way you come across social and not prowling for women.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
In this episode I have explained how you can use fashion to attract beautiful women. The fashion industry has already spent money to make certain looks sexy. All we have to do is adopt those looks so girls are attracted to us.
I have a good news. My iTunes account just got approved. So from now on you will be able to download my free dating, attraction and seduction tips from iTunes. Trust me it wasn't easy getting it up there but worth all the effort :)
You can subscribe to my podcast by visiting: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=291735545
Monday, September 22, 2008
10 signs that a woman is attracted to you!
In my EBook Social Mastery I explained that there are two ways for testing if the girl you are trying to seduce is attracted to you or not. You do this first by reading her body language and second by running attraction tests from the Social Mastery book.
It is very important to continually keep testing the level of this girl’s attraction. If you move forward into kissing or trying to seduce her when she is not attracted, you will run the risk of creeping her out. On the contrary if she is already attracted to you and you keep running attraction material she will get bored or if you keep teasing her you will come across as rude and she will be gone.
Below are the ten most important body language clues you will notice if she is attracted to you:
1. She is always looking at you
2. She smiles
3. She makes efforts to get your attention
4. She plays with her hair
5. Starts or maintains conversation
6. She laughs at your jokes
7. Inquires about your hobbies and personal life
8. She compliments you
9. Comfortable with sexual discussion
10 Gets physical with you
Pay attention to these signs and use them to calibrate with women. Master the skills of testing attraction and you will soon be waking up with naked beautiful women in your bed!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
10 Excuses for not approaching women.
This probably is the most overly discussed topic yet the most important topic. I was coaching this student last night. He told me he was real afraid of approaching women and in his mind he cannot attract beautiful women. I asked him to write a list of things he is afraid of. When we discussed that list it was obvious that his fears were nothing but excuses. In fact for a long time I labeled my excuses as fears as well. But now I know that most of your fears are mere excuses or myths and if you do not push yourself to face them you will spend most of your life hurting. So one more time I am listing some of these excuses here from my book “Social Mastery”. Hope you read them and make a commitment to get rid of your excuses, take action and approach those beautiful women. Make a promise right now to approach two women today after reading this post.
Here are some excuses or internal conflicts that prevent us from making the move:
1. I am not good looking.
Most guys are not good looking, and most women are more attracted to personality than looks. In fact, good looks in men has its own set of challenges. They come across as players and women don't trust them. I cannot tell you how often I have to bring my value down when I am not even good looking. If you display qualities that women are attracted to (I will discuss under attraction), nothing else matters. Remember Seal marrying Heidi Klum! Do I need to say more? So you know there are factors other than looks that can get you the Woman. Infact, these other factors are what get you the woman MOST of the time.
2. Everyone will laugh at me when I get rejected.
Only if you act rejected. No one knows you got rejected unless you leave the set crushed. When a set ends or you get rejected, be a man, smile, shake hands, and say it was nice talking to you anyways, have fun and leave with a smile on your face. Besides, women usually are very polite when they reject you. And if they do, NO BIG DEAL! Everyone including me gets rejected.
3. She probably has a boyfriend.
She probably does, she probably does not! And it means nothing. She might be dating him to land that role she has been dying to get or because she has not met anyone like you yet but she does not want to come across as a loser by being single. I could publish a whole book with stories of women leaving their boyfriend and husbands for
someone else.
4. That guy is probably her boyfriend.
Only way to find out is by approaching her. If he is her boyfriend, he won't kill you. Remember, 8 out of 10 times the guy will be her friend because women do not go out alone and they feel more secure with a guy to prevent the losers from approaching them. In fact, approaching a woman who is with guys raises your value. You have to be a confident, ballsy guy to be able to do that.
Recently, I was with a student. I sent him to open a set on the dance floor. This woman was with three guys. I was at a distance when he opened the set. Five minutes later I saw him surrounded with three guys and I thought he needed help. I walk into the set and find out that these three guys are traveling from Europe and that woman was with them. In a short time, they had become good friends with my student and also ended up telling him that she was single and that he should make the move. Now I have to admit, had I realized early on that she was with three guys, I probably would have not sent this student to open her, this being his first time in the field, but then I would have done a huge disservice to him. Valuable lesson learned! Go open and don't worry about dynamics. Let it play out! You'll be surprised!
5. She will think poorly of me if I approach her. I will lose value for approaching her.
Au contraire. She will have more respect for you for approaching her than not approaching her. After all, they go out themselves to meet men. I was once recording live pick up in a bar. A group of women approached me. We had a discussion on this and they agreed that they would rather have guys approach them then not approach them. In fact, can you imagine how crushed they will be if no one approaches them! You are only respecting them by approaching them. They know it and will only confess it to confident men.
6. She spotted me making out with other girl.
Congratulations! You have real high value in her eyes! Women love a man that other women want as well. That is why all the rock stars get laid all the time. In fact, you will lose value if you don't flirt with other women. One of my ex-girlfriends confessed that she would always let her boyfriend flirt with other women because it increased his
confidence and her jealousy level which resulted in good sex. No need to apologize for being sexual!
7. I don't have much to say.
Not after reading this book and doing the exercises I ask you to do! You will have enough material to use. And if not, you will create it while in action.
8. She is sitting in the corner by the wall.
Good new—seduction will be easy. You don't have to look for an isolated corner to make out with her and this will also ensure less distraction. Also, if she is sitting in a corner, chances are she is shy, so you will need to do more talking at first. It also means she has not been approached much that night. It also means she will thank you for helping her have fun or she would have been bored the entire night. I cannot insist any stronger than this: WOMEN ARE DYING FOR YOU TO APPROACH THEM! THEY WANT THE SAME THING YOU DO! So be a Man and seduce her. She will thank you for that!
9. I am not in the mood.
Excellent—go and talk to her to get out of the gloomy mood you are caught in. And for Christ sake, stop making the damn excuses!
10. I'll start tomorrow.
There is no tomorrow! Back when I was going to school in New Jersey, I was living in a town house. We were four guys and four girls in the house. I was very attracted to a girl and initially she was attracted to me as well. One night there was a senior party. She asked me if I was coming and “I was not in the mood”. There was tomorrow to seduce
her. My roommate ended up making the move at her while partying with her. I was pissed the entire night hearing him having sex with her. AND REMEMBER TOMORROW YOU WILL AGAIN SAY “I'LL START TOMORROW!”
I can only give you advise, I cannot make you go and do what you are supposed to do. Need motivation? Go and read to page 30 from the Social Mastery book and read the bullet points. The sooner you start your journey, the sooner you will reach your destination. Everything else can wait!
From now on, anytime you have an excuse as to why you should not approach the woman, you have to approach her just to prove yourself that you were not making an excuse.
Day Game Montage
In this video I demonstrate how an ethnic man can transform and attract beautiful women. Visit http://www.socialskillsinstitute.com/ to find out more on how I do it.
Number close perfect 10 in 45 seconds
In this video I approached and attracted a beautiful girl using the direct opener from my Social Mastery book. I got her REAL number in approx 45 seconds!