Friday, December 26, 2008


One of the areas that many students struggle is with their calibration. Many students approach sets as if they were blindfolded. They do not pay attention how the target is responding. They are so focused on delivering their routines and demonstrating value that they completely ignore the responses of their target. Sometimes they are too insecure to pay attention because they think what if she does not like what I am saying. Sometimes guys are too focused to prove how alpha and dominating they are. At other times they just want to be the funny guy so they can woo the woman with their charm.

Women pick up on this insecurity real quick. This often leads to sets dying, women walking away, or the set lasting for an hour but without buildup of any sexual tension.

The reason this happens is because students are too focused on practicing how to deliver routines. In their mind mastering perfect delivery of funny routines will get them the woman. This is partially true but there is a bigger fact that most men ignore or do not understand. A big part of the equation is building comfort with the woman you are attracted to. This starts by you feeling comfortable around beautiful woman. If you feel comfortable around her she will feel comfortable around you. If she shit tests you and you continue to regurgitate your high value routine you are mis-calibrating. If she is already attracted to you and you keep bringing her value down instead of showing her approval you have mis-calibrated again.

Calibration is timely and appropriate response to woman's action. If she teases you than you tease her back but if she says she loves you and wants to marry you do not tell her to add some color in her hair. A good way to practice calibration is to establish some platonic friendship with women. Now that you do not have to game them you will be responding to appropriately. You will pay attention to their words and sometimes the meaning behind their words. You will use this information to respond to them. Once you master calibration with friends incorporate into your sets and see how well your sets will progress.

Now you do not have to establish platonic friendship with women necessarily to master calibration. You can of course practice this in your sets but make sure you don't get too nervous, conscious or stressed when you are doing a set. Practicing calibration requires you are calm so you can listen and respond appropriately. This sometimes is hard for beginner students.