Monday, September 22, 2008

10 signs that a woman is attracted to you!

In my EBook Social Mastery I explained that there are two ways for testing if the girl you are trying to seduce is attracted to you or not. You do this first by reading her body language and second by running attraction tests from the Social Mastery book.

It is very important to continually keep testing the level of this girl’s attraction. If you move forward into kissing or trying to seduce her when she is not attracted, you will run the risk of creeping her out. On the contrary if she is already attracted to you and you keep running attraction material she will get bored or if you keep teasing her you will come across as rude and she will be gone.

Below are the ten most important body language clues you will notice if she is attracted to you:

1. She is always looking at you

2. She smiles

3. She makes efforts to get your attention

4. She plays with her hair

5. Starts or maintains conversation

6. She laughs at your jokes

7. Inquires about your hobbies and personal life

8. She compliments you

9. Comfortable with sexual discussion

10 Gets physical with you

Pay attention to these signs and use them to calibrate with women. Master the skills of testing attraction and you will soon be waking up with naked beautiful women in your bed!